Saturday, March 24, 2012

Manuscripts, Books, Pixels

   Our giant bookfair has come and gone, quashing the idea that the printed book has had its day. $430,000 dollars made for Lifeline in one three day weekend flogging secondhand books, CDs, records and games and puzzles. Some kinds of books are less alive than others. It seems that fewer people want to buy paper dictionaries these days. Well, why would they I guess? They seem to be following in the wake of encyclopaedias, which plenty of people want to give away, but nobody wants to buy. It's all on the internet.
   They do want to buy lots of other kinds of books to hold in their hands and turn the pages. Kindle editions and other e-books might be making some inroads, but people still want something to put on the shelf. Classic English literature sold well, even though all the titles are available in e-books for free. Apart from the touchy feely thing, I wonder if the deficiencies in the capability to properly reference cheap e-book editions is keeping student of Eng. Lit. still hunting for cheap paper versions.
  Meanwhile, back in the land of pixelated manuscripts, I have recommenced updating graphics and reformatting pages. Yawn!!! When I get totally bored with this, I will reveal to you a tantalising scrap of bookbinder's waste which shows just how bad legal Latin was becoming by the 16th century.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:07 AM

    E-book readers have only been available since 2007, but their popularity is increasing. These electronic readers holds tens of thousands of books in a single hand-held device, letting you just take your library wherever you go. Just touching the screen or pressing a button turns the page. A few of these readers permit you to view images, while some are better for print only. Each reader offers different choices, letting you choose the one which is right to your requirements.

    Consider where you'll be doing all of your reading. Some readers offer e-ink technology that doesn't have back-lighting and enables you to read in most scenarios, even bright sun. Other readers act like laptops and don't work nicely in sunlight. If you'll be doing outdoor reading, a reader with e-ink is recommended. Determine how big of a library you intend to have. The capability of every e-book reader varies and will help you to carry another quantity of books in your device. Some readers store books maybe not continued your reader on your pc, while some store them on a server to help you access them even when you're from your pc. Consider the kind of access you'll need. Some e-book readers permit you to make use of a wi-fi link with down load your e-books, while some offer 3G wireless connections. If you don't have a wi-fi connection and don't wish to splurge on the 3G, select a reader that connects to your pc via USB cable. Compare the models you are thinking about. Websites such as for example ereaderguide. info and Top Reviews offer side-by-side comparisons of available reader models. Ask your family and friends which readers they own and what they did and didn't like about them. If you're able to, check out what your family and friends need to see that which you like. Visit stores that carry e-book readers. Some bookstores offer them, in addition to electronics and shops. These stores usually have demo models that you could check out to see which features you do and do not like. Read reviews on line at websites such as for example CNET Reviews and PCWorld.

    Article resource: [url=]How to Find a Good, Basic eBook Reader[/url]
