Monday, November 07, 2011

Who Spotted My Deliberate Mistake?

  After receiving an email from somebody who wanted some information about Charlemagne's monogram, I discovered that I had left out a piece of the transcription in the paleography exercise of a Carolingian diploma, and nobody has told me about it. I'm sure you were all too polite to mention it, rather than never noticed.
  For all those quill pen freaks out there, I have put a little picture of a page where the pen went wrong in the Quill Pen section. Just a triviality to show that medieval manuscripts were not all perfect.
  And I'm still formatting and tidying up stuff.


  1. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Which came first? chicken or the egg

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Great! thanks for the share!

  3. Sorry I have searched your entire site and can't find where to send a email. Do you know of any books that have samples of medieval handwritings on stained glass? I have a old lamp shade that looks to have been made with medieval glass. Sounds impossible I know but as you have said why would someone fake all those tiny writings on the pieces of glass when you can't even see it without macro lens and blowing up on special software. I hope you could take a glance at some of the glass on my website and offer an opinion on the writings and or glass. Thanks Nancy

  4. Nancy, I don't think I can help you with that one. Stained glass books tend to concentrate on the imagery, although I guess if you pore through enough of them you might find some examples of lettering, which is really not so different from Gothic book lettering. You have put the question out, so somebody else might be able to help.

  5. And for the anonymous aspiring blogger, I would think that when you first start out it is sensible to go with a free option such as Wordpress or Blogger, and as you use it you will work out what features you like, dislike, want, need. Then you can make an informed decision as to where, or whether, to spend money on a paid site. PS. Sorry for the slow answer - been busy lately.

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

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